Thursday, January 14, 2010
Baby stuff ALL ready to go!
So now that the basement is finally up and ready to go, I've spent the past few days setting up all of her stuff and I did it ALL BY MYSELF!! Haha. I set up her Pack-n-Play, which will be her bassinet for awhile until we move upstairs and she has her crib. I also set up her swing and bouncy seat. The Pack-n-Play and the bouncy seat were so easy to put together. The swing on the other hand was a HUGE pain. I think that was the only time that I really needed help. My mom definitely helped a lot in setting that up!! But now everything is ready to go and just waiting for baby. (She needs to stay in there until Drew gets home though. Only a few more days so hopefully she'll wait it out.) Here are pictures of all of her stuff that we set up in the past few days:

Almost time flies!!
I can't believe that I'm almost to 39 weeks. It's crazy! Time has flown by. Drew gets home in a few days and the baby is due in 10. I still don't quite feel ready to have her. So many of my friends have gotten to the point where they are just ready to give birth. I'm ready for her to be her but I'm not to the point where I need her out of there or I would lose my mind. Maybe I'm just an atypical pregnant woman. I am ready to see her and hold her and all of the other fun (and not so fun) things that go into being a parent. I'm sure there will be many sleepless nights, but I feel like there will be many more amazing moments to outweigh the lack of sleep. Haha. It's been awhile since I put up any pictures of my belly. Here is a picture of me at almost 39 weeks.
Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. Soon enough we'll have a beautiful baby girl here and in person!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Christmas and New Year's
Christmas was a lot of fun this year. I had to miss both the Kipfer and Isch Christmases so I was very sad about that. The Thanksgiving schedule worked out a little bit better than Christmas, but that's alright. I had a great time seeing my family and spending time with them. The little one is taking up too much space in my belly so I didn't get to eat nearly as much as I wanted to, but I'll make up for that next year. :) Overall, Christmas was great. Midnight Mass was gorgeous, even though I was dead tired by the time I got home. The baby really liked the music at church, so she was awake and kicking all through the service. I did really miss Drew though. It would have been nice for him to be home.
I can't believe it's already 2010. Where did 2009 go? I feel like it flew by. Other years I've gotten to New Year's Eve and have thought to myself, "Okay, I'm ready for a new year. It's time." This year, I just couldn't believe where all the time had gone. It seems like 2009 just rushed by. Hopefully 2010 goes a little bit slower, but I feel like once I have the baby all my life is going to do is pick up speed, which is really sad. Drew was able to call me on New Year's, with the help of a very generous friend's calling card. It was nice getting to talk to him since how you spend New Year's Eve is supposedly how you spend the rest of the year. Drew, looks like you're stuck talking to me. Hope you enjoy it! Hahaha. It was a nice relaxing New Year's just spending time with my mom and relaxing.
The construction upstairs is on hold until after the baby is born. We realized that we weren't going to make it happen before she got here, so we started focusing on the space that we do have and organizing it and making it ready for her. It's been a lot of cleaning and rearranging, but it's coming together. It helps that I'm in a nesting mood 90% of the time, so all I want to do is get things done and moved around and ready for the baby to get here. It'll all be together soon enough.
We're finally at the point where we go see the doctor every week. The baby is measuring a centimeter small, but the doctor isn't too worried about it. She said that me being as active as I am and the fact that I used to walk everyday is probably why she's so small. Everything else with the baby is great. The only problem that's come up is that my platelets are very low. I found out that I'm one of 7% of pregnant women that this happen to. What are the odds of that? Being one in 7% of women? Crazy, but it happens I guess. I'm glad I had mentally prepared myself to not have an epidural, because the way it's looking now they won't be able to give me one anyways because of problems with clotting since my platelets are so low. There are some other complications associated with it, but hopefully not anything the doctor can't remedy with modern medicine.
Three weeks til her due date!!!! I can't believe it! It's flown by so fast. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was going to my first appointment with Drew and now I'm seeing my doctor every week and they keep telling me that she could come at any time. She really needs to stay put until Drew gets home. I keep telling her that I can't start going into labor until at least like 5 p.m. on the 18th, which would be well after Drew gets home at 2 p.m., but that she really does need to stay in there until her due date. Hopefully she's a good listener and doesn't appear until the 24th. For now, we're just praying and keeping our fingers crossed that she's patient.
Thank you all again for all of your thoughts and prayers.
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