If only Lola weren't so photogenic, then I might be able to stay away from the shutter button on our camera. Alas, it doesn't quite work that way. I always find myself gravitating toward our camera when Lola is laying on her play mat or when we're outside enjoying the hammock and all the pretty birds. Once I take a full memory card's worth of memory, the photography madness doesn't stop there. I then put them on my computer only to get lost on Picnik and edit away into blissful oblivion. The problem is arises then when I hear Lola screaming at me to snap back to reality. (She doesn't actually do this but I like the dramatic effect I'm creating. Haha.) The pictures go from most recent to the least recent. Enjoy!!!

Our baby's little button nose...so cute!

Still loving on the nose!

This picture is by far one of my favorites. Obviously her eyes aren't this blue yet, but I can only hope that she'll keep them blue since it's my only claim to her. She's a Drew copy-cat!!

More of the same...only different.


I love the little smirk!!!

This one makes her look like a little angel walking through a garden of mist.

Baby toesies!!!!!

I don't know why I find her feet so fascinating, but they are!!

I had to get her wrist roll in a cute picture. It's a very characteristic "Chunky Monkey" trait.

One of the few times Lola fell asleep on her play mat.

Pouty pink lips.