Prior to Lola being born I owned a Gold Retriever named Lilly. I've always loved Goldens. I think they're great dogs and they're absolutely beautiful. There is something in our house and yard that is an allergen for dogs. It attacks their skin and eats away at it. It doesn't do this to humans as my mom and I are living proof that everything is okay for us after 10 years. I had planned on taking Lilly to the Humane Society since I could not find anyone to purchase her or take her from us. After talking it over with her husband, my cousin Julia decided she would open her home to Lilly so she wouldn't have the potential to be put down if no one wanted to adopt her. Lilly has quickly adapted to her new home. They have another dog, Tinsel, who loves to give Lilly a run for her money. They both greatly needed a playmate. And I am so grateful
to Julia for adopting my beautiful Golden. This past few days wasn't the first time that Lola had met Lilly and Tinsel but it was definitely the first that she was cogniscent of. It was so fun to watch. At first she wasn't a big fan, but she gradually opened up to her.

Lola pulling on Lilly's fur. Her hind quarters were the first experience Lola had of Lilly. I didn't want her to be overwhelmed by Lilly's snout.

Lilly wanted to give Lola kisses. This also kinda freaked her out.

Then she became more and more curious about Lilly.

She kept trying to pull her lips and poke her eyes. They just look shiny to her so I can't really blame her for grabbing for them.

There she goes pulling at the lips.

"Lilly play with me!!!"