Monday, March 22, 2010

8 hours of sleep?!?!?! CRAZY!!

So after almost two whole months of waking up every 2 to 5 hours to feed and change our darling little alarm clock, we got a "full" night of sleep. I put full in quotation marks for a reason. Lola ate and was changed at 11:30 pm. This is a typical feeding time for her. It's like her midnight snack. It satisfies her for a few hours of sleep, but until a few nights ago that was only 5 hours at most. We laid her down in her crib with the hopes that we wouldn't hear her little cries of hunger until about 5 am. To my surprise and yes with a slight panic, I woke up at 5 am to go to the bathroom but was not awoken by Lola's little hunger cries. As I rush to the crib to make sure she's alright, I was pleasantly surprised to find our little bundle still in a deep sleep and breathing normally. That is probably one of my biggest fears since Lola doesn't like sleeping on her back at all is that I will awaken to find her not breathing or not okay in some way. With the assurance that everything was alright, I continued about my business and then climbed back in bed. Again, with a little bit of panic when I awoke at 7:50 am, I checked her and she was starting to wake up. This was the light at the end of the tunnel that everyone had been talking about. I could see it, more restful nights are in all three of our futures. My aunt assures me that our next baby will not be this well-behaved and will not be this easy (she also has said this about my next pregnancy being so easy, but I really hope she's wrong about that since my pregnancy was pretty much a cake walk). Despite the fact that any future children might not be as amazingly well-mannered as Lola, I'm going to enjoy the fact that my little Lola is sleeping through the night and not worry about what her brothers or sisters might be like.

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