Yesterday was an AWESOME day for me!! Although I have never in my life hosted a baby shower or any other sort of party for someone, I feel like I pulled off my cousin Julia's baby shower quite nicely. I couldn't have done it without Drew's help and my mom's help (not to mention the amazing pattern that I found at Party Gallery!!) Hosting any type of party for someone takes an immense amount of planning. Invitations have to be sent out and plans made for food and decorations. Needless to say I spent most of Friday baking and cooking. My grandma said that I have officially become domesticated. I don't know how I feel about being called domesticated, but I guess it's what happens when you have a fiancé and a baby. I do know that I feel great about how Julia's baby shower went.

Julia loves ice cream cakes from Dairy Queen so my mom and I decided that would probably be the best idea. They even put the picture from the invitation on the cake!!

Julia in front of her spread of great food. We had turkey and cheese puff pastry roll ups, bacon and green onion mini crescent rolls, chips and dip, veggies, and mini cheesecakes. Other than the chips, I made everything.
We started off with mingling and food so everyone could talk to one another and get to know each other. I think everyone enjoyed the food (at least I hope they did). We didn't have much of it left so my best guess is that I satisfied the guests. The turkey roll ups actually called for ham, but I know Julia hates ham so I figured substituting turkey would probably be the best idea.

The "Party Committee". Lola helped out with the dirty diaper game. Haha.
After everyone ate, it was time for games. We started off with an easy one: fill in the blank nursery rhymes. There were definitely some on there that I didn't know. Poor Lola! I need to work on my nursery rhyme knowledge before she really understands them. The next game that we played was "Guess Mommy's Tummy Size." Almost everyone grossly over-estimated how big Julia's belly is. I guess I didn't measure the right spot on Julia's belly so I had to remeasure to satisfy everyone.

Julia modeling her belly for us for the "Guess Mommy's Tummy Size" game.
The next game was the dirty diaper game. I melted six different chocolate bars and put them in six different dirty diapers and had people guess which was which. I must have made it too easy because 4 people got all of them right. I should have come up with some tie-breaker questions before the shower, but I didn't think that so many people would get them right. Ooopsy!!

Julia smelling a dirty diaper. Ok, I promise Lola didn't actually help with this game or else I can assure you that Julia's nose wouldn't be this close to that diaper.
The last game we played was to diaper Pooh blindfolded. I had tested out this game with Drew. Well to be honest, I actually made him do it because it was hilarious watching him diaper Pooh with his eyes closed. Pam did a great job in only 20 seconds. The next best time was 28 seconds so I would say Pam won by a long shot!

Grandma Pam getting her diapering skills up to par. She diapered Pooh blindfolded in 20 seconds for the win!!!
After all the food and all the games it was time for Julia to open all of her presents. She got some amazing clothes and a few great things for Liam's Lodge. Some toys and books were thrown into the mix, along with a Boppy Pillow (greatest thing ever!!) and a baby food maker. Little Liam has a good start on his wardrobe!!

Julia showing off a great picture frame to go with the theme for Liam's nursery: Liam's Lodge.

Our great aunt painted this amazing picture. There's a picture inside the picture. It's a picture of a couple standing looking out over the lake. But if you look closer the branches of the tree make a picture of a baby. I think it's absolutely gorgeous.
Overall, I think Julia had a good time and so did all of the guests. I might have a future in party planning after all. We could move to Bluffton and I could help out with the party store. I think my mom might kill me for that. Haha. But most importantly, congratulations Julia! Not too much longer before you're holding your cute little baby boy in your arms and thanking God for the little blessing that has come into your life.