So the one thing that I have learned as a first time parent is that one of your main goals is to get your baby to sleep. An even bigger goal than that is to get your baby to sleep through the night. I think that we've been blessed by the fact that Lola will sleep from about 11:30 p.m. until 7:30 a.m. This is highly unusual for a baby of her age. Most babies don't sleep through the night until they are much older. Our secret...absolutely nothing. We haven't done anything special except feeding her a 6 ounce bottle before bed instead of a 4 ounce bottle right before bed. This seems to fill her up and keep her that way until she wakes up in the morning. This means that Drew and I actually feel like real people instead of walking zombies. This means that the time that we get to spend with Lola is much, much better. And believe me you don't want to miss those precious moments with your little one because you are too tired.
The other thing that I have found very, very funny is that Lola for her naps during the day does not like to go in her crib, but she will definitely sleep in there at night. My thoughts are that she doesn't want to miss what's going on and if she gets put in her crib she can't hear all of the action that's going on. So we've been laying her on the couch so we can get stuff done and still watch her sleep. She is just sooo darn cute whenever she's sleeping that I really enjoy watching her sleep and all of the cute little things that she does. The other thing that I would suggest to new parents is to do normal activities while your baby is sleeping so they get used to hearing the sounds and they can still sleep through it. I just can't believe how good Lola is at sleeping in general!!
Lola taking a nap on mommy. She eventually slithered her way down my belly all the way to my leg.
Lola taking a nap on the couch with Pooh.
Annabelle was sleeping through the night at that age too. Enjoy it, because once she starts teething, she will wont sleep as well. Annabelle slept through the night from 2 and 1/2 months to 4 and 1/2 months and then started getting up. We get lucky about one out of three nights. lol.