Lola and I woke up on Halloween in our normal fashion. We got up and she watched some cartoons while I got her breakfast ready. She ate all of her breakfast in her typical chunky monkey style. Then Daddy came over so I could go to the MedCheck to get my throat checked out. When I got home we decided it was costume time. So we dressed little Miss Lola in her monkey costume (see previous post). She wasn't a big fan since she couldn't move around as much. If I had known what her second choice was going to be I would have done everything in my power to not have that happen. I woke up from my nap to the sounds of Lola projectile vomiting all over her crib. Being a first time mom and a worrier by nature, I scooped her up and started for the hospital. My mom was asleep after having worked a stretch of night shifts in a row. I called Janean and asked if she could meet me there and help me with Lola and also keep me company. In retrospect Lola and I probably could've done without the hospital since after 5 hours all they diagnosed her with was "vomiting in children over 4 months of age". But I'd rather be safe than sorry with our Captain Chunkers.

The monitor they put on her foot for her heart rate. It lit up like a Christmas-tree light and she loved to look at it.

Her little butt hanging out the back of her hospital gown.

Playing with the toys the nurses brought for her.

Reading a pamphlet about covering your Spanish. Our little genius baby. Haha.
After we got our "diagnosis" from the doctor, Lola was so tired that we asked if we could be discharged so we could go home. I'm happy to report that after a few days of very diarrhea and no more vomiting, Lola is now running at about 95% of her normal self. She's eating normally and drinking normally, but she's been a little more clingy that usual. Don't let me fool you, I don't really mind the cuddling, clingy part.
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