Friday, August 14, 2009

16 weeks...almost half way :)

i had another doctor's appointment this past wednesday. nothing too exciting. we didn't get an ultrasound, they'll wait for that until about 20 weeks when we'll find out what the sex is. the baby was moving around like crazy when the doctor was trying to find the heartbeat. he'd catch it for a few seconds then the baby would move so he'd have to go searching for it again. this happened a few times before we got the baby to stay in one place. haha. it's a little swimmer. other than that it was a pretty routine appointment. soon enough i'll have to be at the doctor once every two weeks but for now it's just once a month. 

i've been feeling pretty good. the heat isn't really agreeing with me too well though. i get tired pretty easily when i go outside on hot days and it makes me feel kinda weak or nauseous. other than that though the morning sickness has gone away, which is great. work is going well (they still don't know yet. i'm gonna tell them in about another week or so). i'm on my feet all day moving which stinks sometimes but others its nice because i'm not just sitting around. my days fly by. drew's already been gone a month and it seems like he just left. hopefully the next 5 months will fly by like this first one has. the baby and i still miss him a ton though and wish he could be home. 

i couldn't get the video uploaded today but i'll try again soon. i uploaded the video to facebook though so anyone who wants to watch it can watch it on there. sorry guys. love you all and thank you for keeping us in your prayers. 

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