Wednesday, September 23, 2009

22 week appointment

today was our 22 week appointment. her heartbeat sounded absolutely great! it's still very strong and constant. she measures exactly where she should be for how far along we are, even though i haven't gained that much weight since i've been pregnant. this will be good in the long run for losing weight after she gets here but it definitely had me worried for a minute about how big she is. other than that it was a pretty routine appointment. we met a new doctor in the practice today and i liked her a lot (i like the other doctors a little bit better but she was very nice and very attentive so i have absolutely no complaints. she just wasn't quite as thorough as the other doctors normally are). the baby also didn't run away from the doppler this time, so it was nice of her to cooperate; i was very proud that she decided to be nice to the new doctor. haha. 

we have developed a new game to play when she decides she wants to really move around (i'm sure this is something a ton of mothers before me have done before me and many will do after me but i find it fascinating!!). when she kicks i will push back on her to get her to kick again. she seems to like playing this game and does it for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. she usually moves around quite a bit. the last few days she was a bit sluggish and didn't move around that much, but in the short time that i've been writing this out she's decided that this is one of the nights that she's gonna kick around in there like crazy. maybe i do have a little soccer or rugby player on my hands (if she turns out to play rugby drew might kill me. haha). people can finally start to feel her too. i was sitting on my couch with my mom writing some emails and checking on some stuff online and the baby started to move around. there was one particular kick that made me laugh because it felt like she was kicking my entire right side. it felt crazy. so i wanted to see if i could feel her by putting my hand on my belly and i could. i told my mom and she put her hand on my belly. after a few minutes another strong kick came and she felt it. her reaction was AWESOME!! i can't wait to see drew's reaction when he feels her in november. i really hope she decides to be active that day or he might be a little more than disappointed. 

i want to thank all of you for everything that you have done for us. it makes it a lot easier while drew is away. all of the prayers and thoughts are greatly appreciated.


  1. So glad that things are going well and your little one is growing. Take care of yourself and the little one. julie :)

  2. She's not going to play rugby, I can tell you that right now haha. Maybe we can get her involved in other sports that aren't so violent or dangerous. Soccer sounds good to me, maybe even track or cross country...that would mean she takes after dear old dad haha. Hopefully she decides to be active when I see you. I love you both.
