Thursday, February 25, 2010

1st Night Without Drew

After a month or so of job searching, Drew finally got an interview. He decided that it would probably best if he stayed at his parents' house to get a good night's sleep before his interview. I told him that was totally fine, as I sat there thinking to myself, "God, please help me get through the night." I was very nervous being alone for the entire night with her. Not because I can't take care of my daughter on my own, but because the past week has not been the best of nights for us. Since we switched her formulas, we've been trying to get back to a regular schedule of sleeping, not an easy process with a gassy, semi-constipated 1-month old. Instead of really worrying about it, I just did my motherly duty and took care of her all on my own, something hundreds of thousands of mothers before me have done. She took a short nap from 9:30 p.m. until 11 p.m. I decided to give her a bottle of the thicker formula because it seems to satisfy her a little more than the other formula does. We stayed awake until about 12:45 a.m. when she finally decided to drift off to sleep. We slept until 5:15 a.m. which is an accomplishment for her! I gave her another bottle and then she decided she wanted to sleep some more so we slept from 6 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. when she finally decided she wanted to be up for the day. I can't believe how refreshed I feel from only having to wake up twice in the night. I don't think that I've slept this well in a very, very long time. Hopefully we'll have a repeat performance tonight.


  1. Congrats, Savannah that's awesome! I'm so glad you had a (kind of) restful night! I'm having a lot of fun reading your posts! Keep 'em coming! :)

  2. Keep pushing through... I promise it gets better!! I can remember being home with Belle alone when Jim had to go out of town for 2 weeks at a time in the beginning and it was really tough. A suggestion for rough nights.... put the boppy pillow on drews side of the bed, put her in it, and just lay there with her. its great because you can both drift in and out. :)
    I hope you guys get a good nights sleep tonight! Let me know anytime you guys need a break. I am happy to play with Lola for a few hours :)
